Monday, May 23, 2016

Democratization, Media and Digital Literacy Proficiency

We’re on a road to nowhere
Come on inside
Taking that trip to nowhere
We’ll take that ride
I’m feeling okay this morning
And you know
We’re on the road to paradise
Here we go, here we go
David Byrne, Talking Heads, Road to Nowhere,  1985

Media Literacy

Media literacy matters, just ask Nadia Konyk as she tried to get her mother to understand why she preferred reading and exploring literature on line (Motoko, p. 1).  The problem is that, Nadia’s mom and many others today (i.e. parents, teachers, not for profit organizations, Department of Education, and librarians to name a few) are trying to come to an understanding of, why digital?  Isn’t picking up a book better because that’s traditional? The Media Literacy Project , which closed last year after 22 years, states that “for centuries, literacy has referred to the ability to read and write. Today, we get most of our information through an interwoven system of media.”  Given that we are learning through various forms of media, and not just books, there is a need to be media literate. 
Media literacy (Oldakowski, 2014) is based on “the interwoven system of media (which) is called multimodality, and is meaning that is made through multiple representations and communication systems (Kress & Van Leeuwen, 2001) which allows individuals to use more than one mode to express understanding” (p. 70).  In my work with poor parents that are often disabled and marginalized from the wider community, I have watched them growing into persons that are using media and multimodal approaches to gain support and develop a sense of literacy that they were previously locked out of.  They had been “locked out” because they didn’t see themselves as able to participate meaningfully in the web literacy of Web 1.0 that was largely based on traditional literacy methods.  Additionally, the expense of a computer and access to the internet presented more obstacles.  Today, with smartphones, face book and other apps, as well as free Wi-Fi, the internet frontier is opening its doors to underprivileged people and they have found a place for their voice and to share experience. 
The New Media Landscape (how has literacy changed)
The new landscape of media literacy is being strongly influenced by multimodality.  Multimodality in literacy (learning) has been used for centuries.  Multimodality has entailed the use of: symbols, storytelling, poetry, acting and music to convey messages related to learning.  In 1994, Hal Adams and Charles Casement describe their use of multimodality with parents they worked with an urban grassroots group.  The participants were African American moms and dads from a very impoverished area of the West Side of Chicago marked by poverty and high unemployment.  Moms told stories in the Journal of Ordinary Thought and dad’s told stories in Through the Eyes of the Villain.       
The program was based on the idea that “every person is a philosopher, that expressing one’s thoughts fosters fosters creativity and change, and that taking control of life requires thinking about the world and communicating those thoughts to others.” (Taylor, p. 189).  The men, often told their stories through the use of rap (music form associated with black men).  The program sought to help the participants “see themselves as thinkers involved in a social activity around thinking and social activism” in a community context.  Stories were written down, recorded by others, audiotaped, and sung through rap song.  This multimodality in the ways the stories were told resulted in social change in the community. 
Twenty tears later, in the midst of Web 2.0, multimodality has grown to include: blogs, apps and social media (face book, Twitter, Instagram) to instantly communicate with followers and simultaneously be authors. The variety of ways in telling stories (photo shop, podcast, online presentations, posting video’s, animation and video conferencing) have dramatically changed the ways that social causes are now represented.
The media landscape is also marked with new concerns about credibility of authorship of ideas.  In regard to multimodality, the Media Project stated that we will need to look at “new policies and new systems that treat our airways and our communities as more than markets” (people to consume goods).  By this, they mean that since participants have gained some equal footing in media literacy through producing, and since literacy has become more democratized with people of varying literacies, we will have to rethink media literacy and various policies (i.e. who’s in charge) and what do we do to provide adequate knowledge given the current landscape.  Motoko touches on this a bit when he describes the conflict with some arguing, that “reading on the internet is not something that needs to be tested – or taught” (p. 10).  He quotes Michael Kamil, professor of education at Stanford, refuting this saying that “students are going to have to grow up being highly competent on the internet” (p. 10), so therefore education will need to change ideas of what is literacy and what students need from education.
What Value Should Be Ascribed to Emerging and Evolving Online Usage?

They will have to become highly competent because student’s, and many of the current internet users including myself and parents, will have to build on our internet literacy skills to become effective “prosumers”.   According too Lin, T.-B., Li, J.-Y., Deng, F., & Lee, L. (2013), prosumers are both producers and consumers participating in the internet that act collectively to “criticize the bias or credibility of the media content from authoritative institutions”.  In this dual identity as a user and producer, they discuss the importance of looking at the expanding horizon of the blurred line between experts and non experts.  They write, “that given the technical and socio-cultural characteristics of new media, individuals today are expected to express satisfactory new media literacy” (p. 167) in order to be viewed as experts.
In terms of co-creating and democratizing knowledge within the community of parents I work with, persons with generational histories of: poverty, abuse, neglect and racial, class and gender bias discrimination struggling with dominant culture management, I need to value specific cultural literary practices. 
I need to learn and write and use images and multimodal modes that parents will connect with going beyond traditional books and group presentations.  I also need to really work on helping the dominant culture of leadership in my organization to see the value of parents as being a part of co-creating knowledge and teaching.  There is a dominant history in the culture of Not- for-Profit organizations as “using” clients to promote an agenda, usually in fundraising by using their “stories”.  That’s typically the limit of internet and social media inclusion.  I would like for people I work with to be “prosumers” (producers and consumers) of parent education.  I believe that the increasing the use of media and promoting media literacy in parent education is important now and in the future.  I believe that parents can become leaders, orchestrating change between amongst each other using various social media.  By co creating knowledge between each other, and being a part of the process with them instead of being the dominant “manager” that is telling them how to learn and get support, I believe that parents will feel an increased sense of cultural respect that will increase critical thinking and reflection.

Lin, T.-B., Li, J.-Y., Deng, F., & Lee, L. (2013). Understanding New Media Literacy: An Explorative Theoretical Framework. Educational Technology & Society, 16 (4), 160–170.
Motoko, R.  (2008), Literacy Debate: Online, R U Really Reading? The New York Times, July 27, 2008.
Oldakowski, T.  (2014).  A Multimodal Assignment that Enriches Literacy Learning: The Problem.  Insight: A Journal of Scholarly Teaching, Vol. 9, 2014 Pp. 70-77.

Taylor, D.  (1997).  Many Families, Many Literacies, An International Declaration of Principles.  Heinemann Trade Publishing, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

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